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- Astrology Insights to Make the Most of the New Moon on June 18, 2023
Astrology Insights to Make the Most of the New Moon on June 18, 2023
Individual expressions at a cultural crossroads
This Soli-Lunar Astrology Digest aims to distill the development of consciousness within the sun’s energy field (aka, “the field of solar resonance”) as experienced on earth for this time that we are in right now. Every post is like a step on a path that came from the step before it and leads to the next.
image by astrodienst.com via subscription
Inner Space and Outer Space
The new moon occurs at 26° Gemini 43’.
This is within ½° of exactly opposite to the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy — “The current position of the Galactic Centre is 27°3’ of Sagittarius, moving about 1° every 72 years.”
Exactly between the sun and the Milky Way’s black hole (Sagittarius A, which the sun is orbiting) is the earth, and between the earth and the sun is the new moon.
At the previous full moon on June 3, the full moon was conjunct with a black hole in deep space called the Great Attractor because multiple galaxies are being drawn towards it, but now the alignment is with our own galaxy’s black hole.
The sun recognizes this more than we might, but with the earth being exactly between the sun and our own black hole, and the moon being exactly between the earth and the sun, there’s an unmistakable quality of cosmic consciousness being deposited on earth.
The question is what to do with it.
It’s like intergalactic consciousness is bringing something into our own solar system, and specifically, seeds of something new to the earth field at this new moon.
The Past and the Future
The 6 planets – Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus, and Mercury – are in the waning hemisphere of the lunar cycle, meaning they get a conjunction from the moon after the full moon, but each of these planets is in the waxing side (first 180°) to Pluto.
Only Venus and Mars are on the waxing side of the new moon and on the waning side (past 180° opposite) to Pluto. This implies that awareness of global transformations exists at the individual level, but not in collective consciousness at this point.
This is a time to speak into creation the future possibilities that inspire you.
This will be more clear approximately 4 days after the new moon, as the moon transits through Leo and receives the light of alignment with Venus and then Mars a few hours later. Leo is opposite Aquarius, which Pluto will transit back into on January 20th, 2024. This lunar transit of Venus and Mars while Pluto is back in Capricorn will help provide a vision of a future that inspires you to help manage the alchemical tension of Pluto moving into Aquarius.
It begs a few questions:
How are you lit up?
How can you take greater action to do what lights you up?
How can you do that in a way that serves humanity with your light?
Transits and Changes Before and After this New Moon
Since the full moon on June 3, 2023:
Jupiter entered pre-retrograde shadow on June 11, at 5° Taurus 35’
Saturn stationed retrograde on June 17, at 7° Pisces 13’
Before the next new moon on July 3, 2023:
Venus enters pre-retrograde shadow on June 19, at 12° Leo 12’
Venus will station retrograde on July 22, at 28° Leo 36’
Neptune stations retrograde on June 30, at 27° Pisces 41’
Because of all this action, now is a great time to double down your personal answer to the question:
What lights you up for the longest in service to your community and to fellow humanity?
Discover what seeds of possibilities germinate the deepest roots in your communities.
What to do with what, again?
While the last full moon on June 3 had “a lot of energy” in it, this new moon seeds individual ambition, expression, and drive in the face of revolutions of consciousness.
I’ll describe it with a little help from numbers:
The new moon is 89.1° ahead of Neptune
360° makes a full circle and 90° makes ¼ of a circle
Every 90° represents a change of direction that’s angularly impossible to do without accepting a new impulse to move.
This new moon seeds a fundamental change in direction related to what Neptune is about with regard to the quality of the zodiac position that Neptune is in —the 28th degree of Pisces.
The technical weeds of astrology
The 28th degree of Pisces is the 3rd degree of the last 5° of the entire wheel of the zodiac.
Before we let this get too esoteric, remember that the zodiac only exists because the planets orbit around the sun on a flat-ish disc (offset from flat is called “declination”, which is out of scope for this article today) in our solar system, and the stars (an unknown % with solar systems of their own, though this article from ScienceDaily.com presents some limited conclusions from scientists about the potentially hundreds of millions of stars in our galaxy that have their own solar systems) orbit on a flat-ish disc around the black hole at the center of the Milky way galaxy.
The zodiac as we know it exists because of the midline of the disc of the galaxy. I digress… (my favorite thing to do)
The 3rd degree of any of the seventy-two 5-degree processes within the complete 360 degrees of the zodiac brings a quality of integration to the transformational process happening during those 5 degrees.
Here is the Sabian symbol for the degree that Neptune occupies:
KEYNOTE: The full satisfaction of the individual's basic needs.
This symbol would seem a duplication of the preceding one, but if it is related to the first of this five-fold series (Phase 356) its meaning becomes clear. What is stressed now is not the full moon itself or its light, but the moon's power to call forth the instinctive urge for growth; many things respond in many different ways. The symbol refers to a typical garden, not to a field. Such a garden contains a variety of plants, herbs, and vegetables grown specifically to fill an equal variety of human needs and tastes.
In this sense, the third symbol of this seventy-second sequence combines the meanings of the first two. It is a symbol of ABUNDANCE, an abundance fitted to individualized requirements and wants.
At this new moon’s 90° waxing square to Neptune, we’re being presented with the possibility of growth at the personal/individual level by nurturing the abundance that already exists in our respective gardens, not by having to till a field.
The action that precipitates from this change of direction in the few days after the new moon will bring about a crisis of deciding what to do and what not to do.
It’s important to remember that personal decisions will be better and have more long-term viability when they start with a foundation of abundance.
It’s also important to remember that everything is spirit before its matter and that consciousness precipitates into form, and that form is consciousness first.
Revolutions in the Generational Bigger Picture
A clever thought asks, “If the new moon is exactly (90° waxing) square to Neptune, and exactly 180° opposite to the galactic center, then what’s the relationship between Neptune and the galactic center?”
This keys into a macro question that highlights the broader trends that affect our current day in time.
Just as the 90° change of direction energy is present between the new moon conjunction and Neptune, the same energy is present in the relationship between Neptune and the galactic center.
There’s an “abundance” of vegetation in the fertile garden that today’s cultural leaders have created together to form of societies, but it doesn’t necessarily serve the individual person. It may serve the individual establishment (country, business, etc.), but the person may get squashed by the ambitions of an “individual” that controls large quantities of manpower.
It’s important to be brave and expressive, and it’s important to be smart and kind.
Mars and Venus
This brings us back to our individual responsibility to take personal accountability for how we’ve set up the gardens of our minds (new moon), how we value and see it valued in the world, and what we’re willing to stand for.
Are we each going to create our futures by honoring organic processes of the natural world? Or are we going to chase down the slippery slope of managing fear-based protocols of dictation, domination, and digitization?
The “inconjunct” 134° of Venus to Neptune activates Mars, as well as the aspect of Venus and Mars to Uranus and Jupiter shows (expresses and paves) that the way forward is individual freedom:
to take the individual initiative necessary to create one’s own future
to nurture, protect, and birth realities that stand for personal and cultural values
to use one’s words responsibly, as the co-creative force of one’s uniquely divine power
to be a symbol of humanity’s new way of being and let that be received by whoever’s looking, simply by Being (try being fierce in Mountain Pose… or even try fierce pose)
To try a Kundalini exercise I created to help transmute your personal blocks to Being, strong and fierce, scroll to the bottom to “Try this (Kundalini) meditation.”
Lastly, since Venus and Mars are in the “full phase” (180-225°) to Pluto, the individual is responsible to express all of these qualities in the face of global reorganizations of power and authority in societies around the world.
In Summary
Anchor into your own inner core and express from there, attentive to the broadest and most globally unified consciousness, without regard for the reorganizations happening within the 3D field.
If you’re reading this (and you’re still reading it) you’re one of the ones who’s capable and therefore responsible for Being, as a beacon of light that holds presence for others, in a world of misdirection and treachery.
Happy New Moon and Summer Solstice,
Joshua Blatman
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Try this (Kundalini) meditation:
Taking full personal responsibility, this Kundalini-style meditation will help ground and balance your personal power in your body instead of expressing it unintelligently.
breathe normally, engage a regular ujjayi breath
Starting with an empty breath in mountain pose, inhale and move to fierce/chair pose
Find full expression in chair pose, and once the exhale starts, move to mountain pose until the breath empties completely
Continue the pattern
Aim to make it smooth and continuous
Set your timer and continue breathing and moving for 1 minute, 2 minutes, or 3 minutes
… You don’t lose points for stopping and restarting. You lose points for quitting before the timer goes off.