Astrology to make the most out of the Full Moon on August 30, 2023

Sensing into the Light of New Earth

I read, talked through, and recorded this article on my Wisdom Audio channel. Click here to listen to me talk through it while you read.

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This Soli-Lunar Digest aims to support you in raising your consciousness from 3D to 5D, empowering you to ground yourself at a higher level. Each post is written for the time that we are in right now, acting like the step on a path that came from the step before it, leading to the next.

First, a little housekeeping…

I’m putting together an astrology mini-course. It’ll be 2-3 hours of content with video, audio, and worksheets to help you learn, and empower you to use astrology in your own life.

To help me teach what you want to learn, please respond with your answer to this question:

  1. What do you feel like you need to know in order to make astrology useful in your life?

With that out of the way, let’s dive into what brought us to this full moon:

The new moon before this full moon was at 23°17’ Leo and was about working out the details of individual plans amidst winds of socio-cultural change. I know that’s been true in my life.

Looking back at the preceding new moon always adds an important layer to a chart interpretation, whether it’s a full moon like for this article, but it’s also adds information to a birth chart for a person, a company, or a country, as the preceding new moon helps establish the impulse that the individual was “born” into.

While the sun has moved from Leo to Virgo since the new moon, the moon has moved from Leo all the way to Pisces.

The sun in Virgo is grounded and manages details in service to be prepared for greater participation in Libra. The moon in Pisces is fully illuminated and penetrates the dream realm. Pisces is a mutable, or distributive, water archetype and, like water itself, all water signs find their lowest level through the path of least resistance.

Virgo is the last sign of the “individuating process” in archetypes 1-6, Aaries through Virgo, and both represents maturity to do what is necessary (thus the keyword “service” for Virgo) but it also represents the gateway to collectivization in the archetypes 7-12, Libra through Pisces.

The sun is at a point of initiation.

The 8th degree of Pisces, which the full moon is in, is the middle point of the middle 5 degrees in the first half of Pisces. This specific degree is unique among all of the 359 degrees in the zodiac. It’s about individuals being good teammates, dedicated to a future vision and serves as a summoning to a greater rebirth of lifeforms on earth.

Pisces is an archetype that distributes across all elements to find the lowest level. At the cosmic spiritual level where astrology operates, it penetrates all time and space and lives for the stillness after the systematically organized air of Aquarius settles.

Because of that…

At a full moon in Pisces (and this one specifically)

There’s a delicate gentility to the full moon in Pisces: a softness, a fluidity, a smoothness, an elegance. Also, there’s an opportunity for spiritual bypassing yourself because, “there’s nothing you can do about it anyway.” Because you’re disempowered by the outcome you imagine, rather than being open to the possibilities that arise for you in the moment, as you’re called to step up. As you're called to demonstrate the depth of your character.

There’s a polar opposition at this full moon between Hopeless Resignation and Heightened Responsiveness.

Which defines your reality?
(*hint* Your reality will be defined by the one you choose to see.)

Resignation is usually based on a projection and responsiveness is always an opportunity that lives in the presence of the present moment.

The moon sits between parameters unwinding and humanity being reformed

Specific to this full moon, the moon has just transited Saturn in retrograde and shines between Saturn and Neptune, also in retrograde, which it will transit approximately 1.5 days later (September 1). The moon will pass opposite to Mercury in that space and ⅚ sextile to Jupiter and Uranus – There may be earth shattering notions of the pending new reality finally dawning in some people’s minds, and those who’ve been there for awhile may be accepting new responsibilities to level up.

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The 5/6 Sextile is an opportunity, as Jupiter and Uranus are both stationing retrograde, to relax into the change, soften, and allow what alivens you to transform your dedication to mutuality into a dedication to what’s most potent. It’s not about you or the other; it’s about the needs of our time and the opportunity that arises.

A pursuit of potency over (but more importantly, on top of and along with) mutuality seems like character training that’s at the level that’s being called for at this full moon.

  • Where does potency lead you?

  • How are you leading yourself and others for everyone’s best outcome, whether others see it or not?

If you’re striving, yearning, pushing hard, you might not be doing it wrong, but you’re probably not doing it right. Relax and breathe. Attract instead of chase.

  • Can you be a shepherd instead of a cowboy?

New understandings about the world and what our roles are in it will likely challenge us to accept greater responsibility and maturity as this full moon moves into the new moon on September 14 (more on this below in “Venus Square Jupiter”).

A note about the preceding new moon on August 16

The most recent new moon contained a Kite shape where the spine is an opposition between Neptune and Mars conjunct Mercury in Virgo (grounded and detailed personal/individual earth earth wisely guided by learning).

Since the new moon, you’re likely getting ideas and downloads about how spirit is urging you to move forward. If you’re listening, you might get a sense that spirit is carrying you.

At this full moon, the mission for leveling up is delivered and empowered in full force – as the sun enters Virgo in opposition with Neptune(r) and Saturn(r) in Pisces, Mars drives your mission to lead with your ideas that stabilize you at a higher level (that’s the essence of the idea of “balance” commonly associated with Libra) at the beginning of the collective participation hemisphere of the zodiac (Libra to Pisces).

  • Mars last entered Libra on September 14, 2021 – what new collective responsibilities were you being called to accept two years ago?

  • How does Mars’ current ingress into Libra demonstrate your next evolution of this urge to greater participation?

It’s like the kite from the new moon on the 16th is passing through a prism and the light of our collective individuality is separating into individual qualities of character.

We’ll get to take stock in these qualities of character through to the following new moon on September 14, which will allow for a more holistic sense of learning and up-leveling, where the details we’re learning to recognize and manage will be tested.

Noteworthy events:

The north node is applying conjunct to Eris and is in the same degree

This signifies immense pressure to acknowledge the Xena-like figure you didn't invite to your wedding and is dancing with all the people you wanted to talk to.

Will you erupt or will you calmly watch, accepting that your friends have your back; that everyone there knows it’s your party, and can you find a new boundary within yourself that allows for acceptance and joy to live together? New levels of trust and acceptance within yourself that allow for approval, authority, individuality, teamwork, and loyalty.

Moon transits Saturn in retrograde

This transit occurs a few hours before the moon is fullest.

From the earth and humanity’s perspective, we’re passing between the sun and moon just as the moon is passing in front of Saturn, which is appearing to go backwards in the sky. Saturn is opposite the sun too and the earth is passing between the sun and Saturn too.

An opposition symbolizes the full illumination of contrast between two points. An opposition extends into infinity because they’re on the same plane geometrically.

Symbolically, we’re all feeling the pressure to realize the fullness of the portal we’re passing through – between formalities of the past and opportunities for the future, and in the light of this full moon, it’s becoming more apparent to everyone.

Because of the conjunction of the lunar north node with Eris, it’s becoming more difficult to ignore the changes we’re all going through… That life itself is going through.

Venus retrograde is conjunct and applying to Juno

This awareness symbolizes a “loss of innocence”, which corroborates the notions above, and supports those who are listening beyond authority’s logistical demands to what “new earth consciousness” requests.

This “loss of innocence” is likely to feel more intense in the coming weeks as Venus retrograde applies, and gets closer, to Juno.

Uranus has stationed retrograde (August 28, at 23* 5’ Taurus)

When a planet stations either retrograde or direct, it stops moving in the sky. It stays in one place. It’s “stationary,” at least from the perspective of earth. Of course it’s not stationary. It’s just that the Earth and the stationary planet are moving together.

While the Earth and Uranus (the planet of insights, quickening, and what I call, the “principle of discontinuity”) are moving together, the quickening of consciousness may inspire some to demonstrate valor through sudden violence.

The global and sudden epidemic of wildfires comes to mind. … Before you get defensive or accusatory, remember that regardless of their cause, it’s all earth consciousness.

The planet that will help give us access to these discontinuous insights of Uranus is the planet of discernment, Mercury, which is 116° and 14 minutes ahead of Uranus.

116° is within a range of an aspect that’s exact at 120° known as a Trine.

Trines, like a triangle in the percussion section of the symphony, are a small instrument that cut through the sound of the entire ensemble quite easily, so symbolically, it’s important not to push or try too hard and overdo it. It’s a reminder to attract and not chase. It’s a test of character that will go on for the next few months.

Both Uranus and Mercury are in retrograde, so an important consideration to help you capitalize on the opportunities during this time is, “dude, chill, have some patience. Let the world be your guide.” Go with the flow and hold tight to the vision of what you want.

This is another opportunity to practice responsiveness rather than resignation.

Stations – retrogrades, directs – and continuations

This full moon chart shows 8 Planets in retrograde. That’s a lot all at once.

Retrogrades include both inner planets.

Venus stations direct, Jupiter stations retrograde, Mercury passes in front of the sun (“cazimi”), Mars moves onwards and upwards

Venus stations Direct on September 3, at 12*12’ Leo, the day before Jupiter stations retrograde. (Venus entered its retrograde shadow back on June 19). This signifies new considerations and paths forward regarding imagined understandings (a.k.a. assumptions) made between June 19 to July 22, when Venus was in pre-retrograde shadow.

But, since Jupiter stations retrograde in a few days, on September 4, at 15*35’ Taurus, we have the opportunity to intentionally allow our minds to be remade as we receive character tests.

A more personal octave of Jupiter is Mercury. Mercury passes conjunct in front of the sun (“Mercury Cazimi”) on September 6, 2023, at 7:06 am EST, at 13*36’ Virgo. This 14th degree of Virgo calls for a return to, and fortification of, your roots: personal root chakra power and ancestral spiritual power.

These four planets' behavior symbolizes an opportunity to stand up at your new higher level. This new hire level includes new skills, new roles, new responsibilities, and new individual definitions of identity, a.k.a. character.

Now that you know yourself at a higher level, what decisions will you make? Will your new decisions reflect the new way you know yourself or will they reflect the old ways you’ve been?

The only planet not in retrograde, or about to station retrograde like Jupiter, is Mars.

This begs several questions:

  • How are your personal upgrades directing you?

  • What details are you striving to manage and what details are you struggling to ignore?

  • How are you feeling pressured to conform?

    • Remember that your attention will go where your focus is.

Mars is early in the 3rd degree of Libra. The beginning of an embodied participation at a higher level.

Sabian for Mars:


KEYNOTE: The ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.

Since the Leo new moon on August 16, it’s as if the spine of the kite has splintered. This suggests either a leveling-up, or a puddling out that straiates humanity and further polarizes humanity into the haves and the have nots.

Don’t ignore the houseguest (this is not just about people, but also about our own shadows) you didn’t invite but showed up anyway (this is the archetypal story of Eris). What you don’t want to see and pretend to ignore makes it harder to deal with later. Since Eris is conjunct with the lunar north node, this is a lesson that humanity will have to integrate over the next 15 years or so, until the north node transits Eris again. There will be a chance to deepen your relationship with your personal qualities of the collective shadow, though, when the north node transits Pluto in about 4-5 years.

Back to this full moon as we circle around to wrap this up

How are you participating in humanity’s growth and change?

Pulling apart the duality for greater awareness, are you being a curmudgeon, or are you opening to multi-dimensionally, beyond lack and loneliness (Venus retrograde, applying to Juno), to the greater requirements of the up-leveling process we’re all going through?

Speaking of multi-dimensionality, one thing I haven’t talked about yet, which I have here at the end because it’s for those of you who’ve gotten down this far, is the specific planets in the kite.

Do you see it?

The top of the kite is shaped by Uranus at 15° 23’ Taurus, Neptune at 26° 47’ Pisces, and Pluto at 28° 15’ Capricorn. The attention-grabber for me is that these transcendent, transpersonal planets are all in retrograde and they’re all in the last decan of their respective signs.

Rather than looking at these three out-of-sight planets with medieval terminology (aka decans), I think about the 5° space that they’re occupying. Every 5° within the 360° of Wholeness symbolizes a transformational journey.

The middle 5° of the second half of Taurus, where Uranus is, is a yin energy about “validation,” representing a collective/emotional process that’s about violence to prove oneself worthy of survival. With it being Uranus, it’s like we’re playing wargames with ourselves.

The last 5° of the second half of Pisces, where Neptune is, and Capricorn, where Pluto is, are also in the yin halves of their respective signs just shy of 60°, known as a sextile. While Neptune is ⅙ of wholeness ahead of Pluto, a “sextile”, they’re both in the last 5° of their respective signs.

The ⅙ sextile is in the crescent phase part of wholeness, and the last 5° of a sign is about mental transformations, so with these two planets specifically (see all the layers involved??), we’re presently experiencing the unwinding (retrogrades) of the old forms of society (Pisces) while power structures (Capricorn) are alchemizing (Pluto) into something that allow humanity to contribute to something larger than itself.

Don’t be scared; be brave

Focus on how you can serve humans and humanity amidst this change. Now is the time for practicing, preparing, and becoming the best you can be so that individuals who are completely lost, scared, and dangerous when Neptune moves through Aries will have help available to them.

Neptune is known as the great dissolver, and is in a position of illumination that’s blessing work well done with the fruits of the work’s labor. This begs the question - have you been doing your personal work?

Pluto is a position of seeing the hidden meaning in everything. It’s about more than seeing facts, but seeing the underlying meaning of these facts and their interrelationships with who we’ve been, where we’re going, and challenging us in acceptance of what we’re going through.

Neptune is the spine of the kite, opposite from two personal planets (Mercury and Mars), and it’s supported by the double sextile with Uranus and Pluto as discussed in the kite, which makes the light that’s finding it’s deepest penetration points in Pisces (as discussed above about water) easier - more stable - to be with.

If you’ve been doing your personal work, and tending to your farm, bravery will be easier to come by. You’ll reap the rewards in individuation and get to…

Passing through portals

I mentioned above that the earth is passing between the sun and Saturn.

The sun is also passing between Neptune and Mars while Mercury traces retrograde, getting closer to the Earth as it nears the end of its cycle around the sun, which is marked by passing between the sun and the Earth.

Whatever assumptions we’ve made in our past do not hold us into the future unless we bring them with us. We have more choices about our future when we disentangle it from the past and let go of the parts that we don’t wish to bring with us. Our past has less of a grip on us when our focus is open to the future.

It’s important to be intentional.

The challenge in the opportunity that’s highlighted at this full moon is to be present to the possibilities and responsibilities we have to the present moment. The present moment is the only place we have the opportunity for choice and action, and in that moment, our choices and actions are unlimited.

Happy Full Moon,
