“Envisioning Life Beyond the Party”

2022-08-27 New Moon Astrology

The New Moon conjunction occurs early in the fifth degree of Virgo. In the moment of exactitude, both the sun and moon have completely passed through the fourth degree of Virgo and are in the first few minutes of the fifth degree. The youth of the placement of this conjunction in the fifth degree suggests that the fourth degree is fully developed and established, but that the focus is on the awareness of and development into the fifth degree.

It's nuance of course, but it’s quality too, and the quality of this nuance illuminates and indicates specifics about how the character of consciousness is developing on this planet at this time.

In this case, it implies that techniques, technologies, and mastery of a gut feeling support a flowering of awakening to life's subtlest forces. This moves activity beyond prejudice or Brotherhood to new imaginings and the internal felt experience that what's unseen is becoming seen. Like consciousness is recognizing that its growth and development starts it its own imagination.

How do you want to grow? In what way do you want your life to go? How inspired are you by what you’re doing? How is consciousness directing you for its own growth?


The most broadly impacting aspect in this chart is the grand trine between Pluto, Mars, and Mercury. Pluto is in Capricorn – Mars is in Gemini – Mercury is in Libra. Mercury and Mars are both in direct motion in the early few degrees of air signs (generative mental and distributive assertion qualities) and the farthest-out planet, which is really a Kuyper Belt Object, is retrograding through the last few degrees of Capricorn.

The position of Pluto in retrograde lays the foundation for what’s playing out in the whole chart over a larger time cycle as America’s First Pluto Birthday. Evolutions and alchemy of authority are re-sculpting the way(s) societies interoperate; how we live as humans.

One must re-cognize (Mercury) and respond (Mars) to recreate the world as they wish it to be, not just react to the world as it is. These are young archetypal vibrations (first few degrees of their respective signs) of personal planets in relationship to Pluto, suggestive of a ‘self-reflective cultural mind’ open to the possibility of a refreshed perspective on individuality and identity – on Nationalism and Brotherhood.

A key to anchoring the Mercurian energy is giving yourself time to tune out of the outside world and tune into the higher vibrations of your heart sensations. The heart interacts with the head and the gut who are in a constant feedback loop.

Tune in at a higher vibration to synthesize the contrast between a singular traditional authority that must be preserved, and a greater awareness that sacredness is centralized, maintained, and immortalized in consciousness itself. The authority that created and sustains Tradition is the same authority that’s alive now, in and as, this moment.

The space between Mercury and Pluto is almost 116°, a separating waning trine, but this is a space that has not yet been traveled by Mercury. It’s a space to feel into for visions of completeness, of who or what you’re moving towards.

Mercury has transited every other planet since last transiting Pluto. This principle of motion shows that Mercury is actually 244° ahead of Pluto (counterclockwise motion) in a bigger picture of wholeness. This bigger picture opens space to recognize the difference between where we’ve been and where we’re going; to re-member wisdom received from conjunctions with all the other planets since Mercury’s last conjunction with Pluto on February 12, 2022, and to perceive and understand reflections of idealism and conflict between different levels and entities – different qualities and characters. To envision the world as you dream it to be.

It implies an opportunity to develop wisdom beyond tragedy, peace and poise beyond conflict, and an equanimity in evolution unfolding.


Mercury “splits the uprights”, in opposition to Jupiter and Neptune, both in retrograde. Less than 13° apart, Jupiter is slightly farther into the beginning of a new great cycle of the zodiac (Jupiter’s orbit is 12 years), and Neptune (Neptune’s orbit is 164 years) is at the end of the previous cycle.

This implies an ‘unraveling of preconceived visions of grandeur’ to a purer and clearer state of being – one that is stronger within and more prepared to stand the tests of time.

This is supported by evidence that planets 1-5 (mars and inwards) are in direct motion, while planets 6-10 (Jupiter out to Pluto) are all retrograde. This suggests an unwinding of cultural norms. A split between personal ambition and cultural direction.

Mercury is able to dip into the underworld and come back up, elevate to the ethereal, and return to reality with wisdom that unites all planes, thanks to downloads its exposed to in proximity and spatial awareness of Pluto’s alchemical qualities.

Furthermore, Pluto “splits the uprights” in trine to Mars and Uranus. Subtleties are different between the two “splits the uprights” scenarios, and without listing the technical details, the contrast between the two helps to till the soil for the planting and germination of new traditions, highlighting the separation and opportunity for Mars, after its transit of Uranus and the lunar north node in the beginning of August.

The contrast between the two patterns helps to idealize and clarify the action necessary to arrange the seedlings into systems that will produce the harvest of a matured identity. I’m thinking of it like, “active ideating”, and play.

Mars is in its detriment and in an archetypal rulership of Mercury, implying that effort is less supported than the awareness of new directions being called forth and seeds of intention are germinating, cells are dividing and multiplying. Like farming, recognize that even though the farmer does the work of setup and planting, it’s nature’s divine essence that vivifies and animates, even as it works through the farmer.

This insight is anchored by Uranus, which instructs the intuition – don’t chase the past’s unresolved and missed opportunities. Past knowledge is inadequate for answering present problems. Uranus’ retrograde motion keeps it close and in parallel movement with the lunar north node, reminding us of inadequacy of past knowledge, that traditional concepts are inadequate to confirm new conditions, that growth is not an issue of good or bad; it’s about opening, cleaning, and purifying perceptual images after (and in the face of) repolarizing values. It’s an opportunity to associate and recalibrate at a higher level that is more sustainable, more grounded, and more in-touch with nature.


While Mars is the only planet in direct aspect to the new moon, Venus and Saturn are in almost exact opposition, only being aspected by Uranus.

How Venus responds to the structure of Saturn, in its home sign Aquarius is about seeing how structure is imposed externally, finding freedom from it by recognizing its different apparent motion, and indulging in the expression of what it finds important. It’s a great opportunity to practice Blessing.

Venus opposite Saturn in retrograde, both square to Uranus in Retrograde, all in the fixed signs, helps ground the up-leveling of intuition that occurred at the beginning of the month when Uranus transited the North Node. This formation and transit help to highlight the inadequacy of past knowledge, suggesting that traditional concepts are inadequate to confirm new conditions, and that even the most consecrated traditions do not have all the answers.


The individual mind listens, under protection and training, as it reaches into space beyond this realm for camaraderie in its own space to focus, organize, and express visions of the future. This is a time of insight, connection, and study.