F^ck. No.

Tales of Turbulence — Part 2

You feel it in your body.

You recognize you feel it in your body.

“What is this feeling I’m feeling in my body? It seems so foreign, so strange, yet so wholesome and hearty.

Oh yeah,

that’s ‘F^ck No.’

Oh Hello self-restraint. I missed you. Welcome home.”

That’s what my experience was like when the crypto scammer’s email showed up in my notifications.

“Payment Confirmed. Good day, A deposit of 4,000USD was confirmed today on your live trade account status. Still awaiting for the payment of 1,000USD to complete the fee needed to unlock your account for withdraw………We kindly advise you to pay the outstanding balance of $1000 to enable the platform unlock your account you have less than an hour to make the payment, failure to do so your account will be disabled and deactivated from the platform.

Thank You.

Sent from myMail for iOS”

9 periods?

F^ck. No.

I get a clearer picture of what No feels like when I have a clearer picture of what Yes feels like.

I hope that money serves you well, you snotrocket of cowpuss.

Should I go back through the tens of thousands of words in the WhatsApp conversation threads to grab a list of all the transaction tags and share them for the world’s bounty hunters?

“No,” I surmise with little hesitation. “revenge is better forgotten ever being warranted.”

eh, Close.

“Revenge is better reconsidered.”


“no… revenge is better, transmuted!”


An experiment, if you will:

I feel angry. I feel violated. I feel diminished.

That’s a lot of feelings. They generate heat around my neck and behind my ears. This energy won’t go away on its own.

It’s intense and it’s raging.

but this is G-d too.

There’s nothing that isn’t, so…

These intense feelings, are… misunderstood? No. Clenched? Yes. They’re clenched and unrelenting.

Behaving as if feeling-it-more to consume the feelings will make them go away sounds nice, but what happens in reality is they become habits of thinking that create more need for themselves in new life experiences.

“You’re either growing or dying. Stagnation does not exist in the universe.” — Steve Siebold

Habits are in the universe too. Habits of thinking create more of that thinking.

I recognize the risk of dwelling in lament, grief, and shame.

So I will share the process I have learned and used for redirecting, focusing and releasing intense emotions.

Join me for a Prayer Treatment, expressed through training I received at the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle, Washington.

  1. G-d is all there is. There’s nothing that isn’t G-d. Across every dimension of time and space, through every galaxy, blackhole, and alternate reality, G-d is that too. Every storyline, every creator, every destroyer is G-d. There’s no thing that G-d isn’t. Period. There has never been anything other than G-d. There never will be anything other than what G-d is. There couldn’t possibly be anything other than what G-d is because if G-d is the one everything, then anything else would be what G-d is. and this means…

  2. I am of what G-d is, too. What I am is the same stuff that G-d is. There’s nothing about what I am that isn’t what G-d is. There’s no thought I could have, no crisis too scary, no dream to outstanding, no healing to great, that it isn’t what G-d is, and what I am too. The Creative Substance that built and sustains all of existence is the same Creative Substance that built and sustains and dwells within me. The creative capacity that G-d is lives in me and operates through my consciousness, which is also what G-d is.

  3. Therefore, I direct and claim Satisfaction, Fulfillment, and Wholeness relating in any and all ways to this scam, and live fully present with this experience being behind me. I feel satisfied by lessons learned and new life showing up in beautiful and joyful ways. I am fulfilled by the work I’m doing that regenerates my financial health and wellbeing, and I’m so inspired by the work and the rewards that my heart feels full to continue. I experience receiving and embodying feelings of wholeness by being received in joy and love for the ways I show up to the work I love to do and get compensated lavishly for. I’m eager to show up each day to the work I love doing, for the satisfaction, fulfillment, and sense of wholeness I get to have. By having it, I’m being it, and therefore I get to share Satisfaction, fulfillment, and wholeness throughout all forms of consciousness.

  4. I am so grateful to get to feel satisfaction, fulfillment, and wholeness with this energy in me that so eagerly yearns for expression. I’m elated to know that my life is new in this moment and my attention is directed to bring me my desires, knowing that what shows up might be even better than I ever could have imagined. Reveling in my capacity to feel gratitude…

  5. I release this massive energy ball to do its work on its schedule. I release it and let it go.

There is nothing other than what everything is of.

There is none other than one.

I sit back and take in the setting of sensations vibrating through my body. My fingers feel heavier and calmer. My shoulders relax back and behind my warmed central column.

I am open to what’s new. I am showing up.

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Author bio: Hi! I’m Joshua Blatman.

I am an Earth school student and teacher, family man, writer, musician, survivor, healer, and psychonaut. I’ve been to almost every state, I’ve lived on 5 continents, and now I’m raising my family in my hometown.

I love to wrestle out meaning and share insights about life with minds behind eyes wide open.

Follow me for more content on my primary socials: Twitter, LinkedIn, and the Wisdom Social Audio App.

The rest of my links can be found here.

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