Inflight Cosmic Downloads

Full Moon Astrology, November 8, 2022

Overall, this article series seeks to understand the conscious experience of the breath of life on this planet, in this solar system; from the climax of Light’s inhale at the full moon to the climax of Light’s exhale at the new moon, as Light is made manifest in this solar system by the consciousness that emanates from the heart of the sun. To chart the transitions; to make sacred the portal.

Inflight Cosmic Downloads

Over the last several soli-lunar newsletters I’ve been sharing analogies about how we’re balancing significant tension: a jet at take off and ascent, cell mitosis, and a hydrofoil being pulled by a kite. In any of these situations, the “soul at the helm” must balance oneself multi-dimensionally to manage tension while new paradigms are penetrated.

I’ve been discussing Jupiter’s retrograde action back through Aries and into Pisces. In my full moon October 9 edition, I wrote that Jupiter’s retrograde phase will generalize and further alienate the lost, but it will also awaken and invigorate the spiritual essence in tomorrow’s leaders.

I’ve highlighted Moses’ brother in law, who walked straight into the Red Sea and was completely submerged before the biblical waters began to part.

So let me ask you – How’s your breathing?

(How are you feeling? What’s going on in your body?)

This full moon is part of a shift from freedom in anonymity to empowerment of the individual. This is not the same thing as a free individual. The individual who is already empowered in interrelationships – aka mutualism with the breath in all experience – receives the benefit.

This full moon highlights that paying-it-forward is the best way to pay-it-back.

What are you harvesting from what you’ve sown?

In what way does it reciprocate what you’re most deeply focused on?

Does what you’ve harvested make sense for what you want for the future?


How does your breathing change when you’re doing different things?

How does your breathing feel when you’re thinking about your different routines?

Maybe your breathing feels shallow, constricted, fast, slow, high, low, short, fast, etc. Feel into the connection between your breathing and how your heart feels. Practice breathing in a way that makes your heart feel good.

Use your mind to attend. Allow your intuition to plumb the depths of your heart to see how to move forward.

When you look at the chart for this full moon, imagine a line that goes from venus ⇒ mercury ⇒ sun ⇒ earth ⇒ moon ⇒ uranus as the moon swings through and goes dark in the eclipse (behind the earth).

Dark like Uranus, which is the first planet beyond our capacity to see visually.

Alignment With Power

The region of space beyond Venus in this line of planets (outside of Mercury and the sun) reaches into the region and depth of space known as Scorpio. The region of space beyond Uranus reaches into the region and depth of space known as Taurus.

Eclipse energy for “inflight cosmic downloads” adds shadow qualities (doubt, question, deception) into the surety of stability and direction. The conjunction of the moon with Uranus in Taurus seeds technological revolution.

These “inflight cosmic downloads” could be as easy as a download from a satellite on a clear day, or it could strike like lightning in the fog. If you’re living out of alignment with what your intuition tells you, you might feel a lack of freedom. You may notice frustration, like a person waiting for a dialup internet connection in a mountain valley.

A Grant T-Square between the full moon (sun and moon) with Saturn shows a reformatting of fellowship, where passion, presence, and perseverance are the actual players in the development of one’s larger role in the world.

How’s your alignment? How does what you do each day resonate in your being?

This full moon highlights the contrast between strength and power. Strength, the ability to overcome resistance is negligible in a time-bound world. The ability of strength to overcome resistance in the shortest period of time is Power. 

Alignment with Power instead of strength supports the understanding that slow and deliberate is better than fast and erratic.

We’re learning to live from the heart instead of from the head.

Jupiter, Neptune, and The Antidote

Boundaries blur. The path of least resistance reveals itself and the new direction seems more obvious. New demands will soon be made from your social fabric.

Jupiter is deep in its retrograde phase and it is finally all the way back to Pisces, joining Neptune. Jupiter stations and turns direct on November 23, 2022, at 28° Pisces 48’. This is just a few hours after the coming new moon on November 23, 2022.

The world that’s being laid before our eyes but behind our backs involves a profound new way of “intermanagement” of all kinds of resources, from financial resources to human resources and freedoms.

“Freedom isn’t free if the rules aren’t followed” may end up being an important idea on Valentine’s Day, 2023, when Jupiter leaves its retrograde shadow at 8° Aries 43′ on February 14, 2023.

Another way to say that is freedom concentrates with those who author, master, and follow the new rules of the game, as well as those who follow the new rules.

The signature of all these energies cries socio-economic reform. Personal adjustments are made over these next few months while Mars is in retrograde.

Our ability to adjust to changing circumstances over these next few months, to come to new understandings will make all the difference moving forward.

Morality, commerce, and interchange are getting an overhaul. Connecting to awe is key, so amazement takes the place of fear.

Standing in a state of Awe puts us in the receptive state to make the most of this Mars retrograde phase, to become the antidote. 

It’s important to practice being that antidote in your given circumstances so that when Jupiter moves direct in a few weeks, those of us who’ve practiced being the antidote can be the way-showers for those who are lost.

Sit back and relax into the redirections of Mars’ long retrograde journey through Gemini. Notice the light show, but stay tuned to the frequency of your desires.

Consolidate your strength into real and potent power so that when Uranus stations and turns direct on January 22, 2023 (right at the beginning of Aquarius), the quickening effects of Uranus direct validates your mental progress with deeper foundations of character.

The archetype of the antidote is pristine potency.

A Flock of Tough Questions

Do you see where we’re going yet?

Are you in the right lane for who you are?

How can you more completely let go of what you can’t take with you?

Are you picking up what we’re laying down?

What are you learning from what you’re putting out and getting back?

This is a great opportunity to get some big insights, so you can do some really deep learning.

Jupiter re-enters Aries in the days leading up to the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2022, at the same time that the sun is transiting the blackhole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, at 27° Sagittarius.

What an auspicious time!


We are individuals among a dynamism of relationships: self with other humans, self within, self with environments.

We have to go through the opening that’s being presented to us and we have to focus our energy, extend our spine to align our energy centers, and trust that breathing happens through what shows up in every moment.

If you’re in alignment, your world will open up as you maintain a practice of letting go.

This is a long term play.

The short term play is more about fully-awakening to smooth breathing; meaning, breathe regularly through everything, the comfortable and uncomfortable, and release ways that breathing is irregular.

The world unfolds according to your breathing (being present to what is), not according to expectations based on past demonstrations.

We’re deep in a phase of adjustments with opportunities to up-level, and we’re early in a phase of personal growth based on new individual understandings. This is a time to keep your head on, your eyes open, and your weight on the ground that best supports it.

Continue preparing yourself mentally by practicing metaphorically breathing underwater. The heart extracts oxygen where reasoning gets stuck.

Happy Full Moon