How To Make the Most Out of The Full Moon on June 3, 2023

Being drawn towards new ways of using your intuition

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The exact full moon happens at 11:42 pm EST, USA.

There’s a lot of energy in this full moon. A few high-level things to highlight before I dive in…

The full moon is conjunct with the “Great Attractor.”

  • This is astronomy just as much as it’s astrology.

  • Astronomically, “The Great Attractor is a purported gravitational attraction in intergalactic space and the apparent central gravitational point of the Laniakea Supercluster. This supercluster contains the Milky Way, as well as about 100,000 other galaxies.”

  • What this means to me in the context of astrology, is quite simply the energy of a massive pull towards the future. You might feel like, “we’re spinning down the drain!” if you don’t like the direction things are going.

  • This region of the archetypal story illuminates techniques and technical mastery for expanding the knowledge of individualized consciousness to reveal principles and archetypes.

  • If you’re in your groove and living your soul’s mission, you’ll feel major progress towards the realization of your life’s work.

Let me know in the comments, does this resonate for you? How?

The bull becomes permeable

A significant transit that just recently happened (June 1) was Jupiter transiting the lunar North Node. The last time Jupiter conjoined the lunar North Node was in June, 2016, but that was in Virgo.

Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is obsessed with details, and Jupiter expands everything it touches. Combined, it’s an obsession about data and details. It was a time of obsession about Donald Trump’s tweets and the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Virgo is mutable, distributive energy.

Taurus is fixed, concentrative energy. The last time Jupiter was conjunct with the Lunar North Node in Taurus was in May of 1929, “just 5 months before the stock market crashed.”

I don’t point that out to scare you. At that time, Saturn was coming out the retrograde, going into post-retrograde shadow near 27° Sagittarius, the location of the galactic center, which I find interesting.

Saturn was in Sagittarius, Uranus (84 years orbit) was in Aries, Neptune (164 years orbit) was in Leo, and Pluto (248 years orbit) was in Cancer.

It was a different time, and the only astrological planets near the Jupiter-Lunar North Node conjunction were the Sun and Chiron. Even Mercury and Venus were ahead (Mercury in Gemini) and behind (Venus in Aries) the conjunction, respectively.

Here’s the chart for the 1929 conjunction of Jupiter and the Lunar North Node for reference:

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It’s noteworthy for me that Mercury and Uranus are in Taurus this time, and they’re conjunct, while Jupiter transits the Lunar North Node.

To me this means:

  • The distinctions that define rational boundaries are becoming permeable.

  • Mysteries that exist behind the veil are becoming no longer limited to life after death.

  • Transcendental truths previously inaccessible to living people will become knowable.

At the elbow of a right square and opposition

It’s not just that Jupiter is conjunct with the North Node in Taurus while Mercury is conjunct Uranus, also in Taurus, another factor is that the Jupiter-North Node conjunction is in waxing square to Pluto while Mars and Venus are in waxing square to Jupiter, and Venus and Mars are opposite to Pluto, in retrograde, about to leave Aquarius and go back into Capricorn.


One might think that Pluto going back into Capricorn, an earth sign, might mean grounding, but with it being the last degree of the sign which kinda bleeds into the next sign, and Capricorn being so much about the authorization and use of power, I suspect that this Pluto retrograde into Capricorn might expose the false floors of Aquarian altruism and highlight alliances for authoritarian influence over all aspects and layers of life (like light looking through a glass-bottomed boat and seeing details in the ground below the water).

What I’m saying might sound outlandish, but Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, in a new phase to Pluto… we’re early in a process that’ll unfold over a century or two.

Full moon

The full moon happens just two days after the Jupiter-North Node conjunction.

The moon gets full illumination just as it passes in front of the “Great Attractor.” This is an astronomical point (it’s science people!) and an “apparent central gravitational point [that] contains the Milky Way, as well as about 100,000 other galaxies.”

To me, along with all the other details of the chart, we’re being forced to rely on our intuition for real life choices. It’s no longer about planning and executing. This full moon is highlighting the need to reorient choices towards a heart-first system that leverages the mental faculty of intuition over calculation, and holism over dissection.

The full moon conjunct with the Great Attractor pulls us all towards greater participation with life in the greater cosmos, as it exists externally and internally, in 3D and beyond.

Gemini and Sagittarius — Sun and Moon

Oh yeah, this is a full moon chart, which is really about the sun and the moon.

Almost forgot.

Gemini represents information, data, thinking, and processing. The depth of mind.

Sagittarius represents the depth of consciousness and the faculties that operate with it, such as perception, philosophy, and law.

“Gemini is alert to the near happenings, taking mental notes at all times. Sagittarius scans for the big picture, and is preoccupied with the future and distant aims.” Link

These are two mental signs in a particularly mental spot within them, which supports the development of intuition as long as you can defer responsibility for direction to the heart and let the head lead the details, rather than giving the mind total plotting power too.

Some useful contrasts to keep in mind are:

  • Overcoming to expand (Gemini) vs. expanding to know (Sagittarius)

  • Data vs. principles

  • Knowing vs. sensing

  • Procedures vs. purpose

Final thoughts

Listen to your heart and operate from your higher mind, beyond intellect. With Venus waxing trine to Neptune, we’re getting support at the individual “gut” level to have faith beyond reason and trust beyond logic.

Believe in the pull of your Spirit (not your personality).

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