Starting a walk in your garden of life

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This Soli-Lunar Digest seeks to distill the development of consciousness in the field of solar resonance as experienced on earth for this time that we are in right now. Every post is like a step on a path that came from one step before it and leads to another.

The New Moon alignment is exact at 11:53 AM EST, Friday, May 19, 2023.


  • Jupiter has moved into Taurus

  • The moon transited all the planets except Venus and Mars

Transits about to happen:

  • Mars moves into Leo

  • Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn (after the next full moon)

  • The moon will transit only Venus and Mars leading up to the next full moon on Sagittarius

  • Sun/moon move into Gemini

The New Moon

The new moon, at 28° Taurus 25’, is 2 degrees passed a fixed star called “Algol (at 26°10′).” The archetype of Algol is about losing one’s head. It’s associated with the beheading of Medusa.

This reference says, “Algol/Medusa depicts everything that Man fears in life, the fury of the suppressed feminine soul; the rage and violence of nature; the fine line between madness and wisdom and life and death; the depth and power of a woman’s sexuality.”

Anyone recognize pressure to make life-changing decisions that make you feel like you’re losing your head?

The new moon is also conjunct with the beginning of a 2-degree-spanning star cluster called the Pleiades.

Since, “The Pleiades have long been known to be a physically related group of stars rather than any chance alignment. John Michell calculated in 1767 that the probability of a chance alignment of so many bright stars was only 1 in 500,000, and so surmised that the Pleiades and many other clusters of stars must be physically related,” this new moon emphasizes seemingly random elements of life becoming interconnected.

Lunar North Node

The lunar north node is conjunct with Jupiter, and part of a Grand Square with the lunar south node (the nodes are always opposite) and Mars opposite Pluto. This Grand Square is about tension, especially because 4 out of the 5 points are in Fixed (concentrating energy) signs.

The sudden groundedness of Jupiter calls us to see through the tension to where we really want to be going in this life. Get real. Be practical.

Does “this life” mean:

  • The life of the party?

  • The life of your favorite thing? Ie: a car, a house, a career?

  • The life of your body?

  • The life of your genes?

  • The life of your soul?

What level do you live at? What’s your focus?

Jupiter joins its friends in Taurus

Jupiter is conjunct with the lunar north node at this new moon. It triggers awareness of the practical steps necessary to manifest your life purpose.

At whatever level you’re focused, lean into and plan for Visions of Mastery. The more long-term, yet personal – ie, you have a human life to live – the better. We said practical, after all.

We’re discussing “friends” because Jupiter works well with Mercury, Uranus, and the moon, all of which are in Taurus.

For us to make the most out of this “friendship,” – let’s recognize that friendship is synchronistic with “the sisters”, which is a reference to the Pleiades, the location of the new moon.

According to Wikipedia, “In New Age lore, some believe that Sun and the Earth will pass through a Photon belt from the Pleiades, causing a cataclysm and/or initiating a spiritual transition (referred to variously as a "shift in consciousness," the "Great Shift," the "Shift of the Ages").”

A common thread of everything I’ve read about the Pleiades, including even the idea that Pleiadians (aliens) are living on Earth (an idea that makes “Men In Black” seem more realistic), coalesces around the idea that Earth is getting cosmic support in its own spiritual evolution.

As Mercury moves quickly through Taurus, it’ll introduce an 11-month direct-and-retrograde dance between Jupiter and Uranus leading up to Jupiter conjunct Uranus on April 20, 2024, in the 22nd degree of Taurus.

Where does the 22nd degree of Taurus fall in your chart?

Anyone born in the early 1980s will have Chiron there. This generation will really start coming into their power then, as leaders of the next generation.

Clear and practical intuition

Mercury has passed the lunar north node, and Uranus is bisecting Mercury and the new moon.

This brings in a heightened awareness of the upleveling that’s happening across consciousness, particularly as Mars is at the end of Cancer, and Venus has moved through most of the first half of Cancer.

When Mars and Venus are together in a sign, action with values, and direction with willpower, find alignment and forge character. Mars, having moved all the way through Cancer, is in a prime position, particularly as it is about to enter Leo, to pause and listen beyond reasons and arguments (the justifying mind), and get clear on the traditions and traditional perspectives that serve your goals moving forward. Recognize what can fall away as no longer useful for where you’re intending to go, and let it (“it” being that which is no longer useful in serving your highest ideals) fall away.

Do you need a perspective shift?

This is a great time to lean into something new, especially when it serves something that’s been building; but, with the direct-retrograde dance of Jupiter and Uranus over the next 11 years that was mentioned above, make sure your perspective shift is aligned with your long term goals that are most practical for all of your relations/connections (remember the Pleiades, aka, the seven sisters?).

Don’t just do the sexy thing because you can’t control your impulses.

Remembering the new moon conjunction with Algol, the last thing you want to do is lose your head because you lost your focus.

Ok, squares

I’ve mentioned Mars a couple of times throughout this post.

The conflict of squares brings pressure to “make the right choice right now.” Despite this pressure – namely, the square that Jupiter is getting from Pluto, the square that Mars is getting from Jupiter, and both Mars and Pluto are getting from the nodal axis – Mars is getting a harmonious and highly supportive waxing trine from Neptune.

Lean back into what’s fully satisfying, instead of what’s fancy and fleeting. Full satisfaction fills a variety of needs, not just the intensity of “shiny object syndrome.”

Recognize the abundance that already exists in your personal garden and go forth with that, instead of feeling pressure to take advantage of a limited-time offer, or a sale that seems too good to be true.


This new moon makes our ambitions real.

If they’re aligned with (y)our highest good, they’ll take root and launch you (and us all) forward. If they’re superficial, selfish, or unsanctimonious, they’re likely to end up in disappointment. Actions that serve consciousness will serve you also.

Nurture all the nutritious plants in your garden, not just one plant, or all of them without discerning which are healthy and which are weeds.

Happy new moon,
