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- New Moon, September 25, 2022
New Moon, September 25, 2022
“The Tensions of Flight” — 2022.09.25, 5:55 EST
A snapshot of the solar system within the greater cosmos with earth at the center at the exact moment that the center of the moon crosses the center of the sun.
Overall, this article series discusses the conscious experience of the breath of life on this planet in this solar system, through the climax of the inhale (full moon) and the exhale (new moon) of Light, as it is fueled by the heart of the sun. To chart the transitions to make sacred the portal.
The Tensions of Flight
This new moon on Sunday, September 25, 2022, at 5:55 am EST, occurs in the 3rd degree of Libra. The sabian symbol for the 3rd degree of Libra reads:
Keynote: The ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.
To me this symbol is about awakening, like being born again – same but at a higher level. This is the essence of Libra - “blindfolded justice” that has to choose where to stand and lead (generative cardinal sign) with trust in the intuitive sense.
This third degree of Libra is 1/10 of the way through the entire archetype (3rd of 30), and 1/120 of the entire cycle (wholeness). The 1/10th fractal relates to and strengthens Pluto, the 10th center from the center of our solar system, and evokes essence and images of this passing moment being a snapshot of a complete introduction to the Larger Purpose that’s involved in evolution.
New Moon Stellium
Existing across a span of only 7 degrees and 4 minutes, the differing dynamics between the luminaries (sun and moon) and the inner planets (Mercury and Venus) could not be more different.
Libra is generative (cardinal) ether energy – individualizing and elevating ether.
Virgo is distributive (mutable) earth energy – detail oriented and highly aware of real world needs to serve.
At the new moon, the moon is at the apex of its inner journey around the earth. It gets infused with new elements of consciousness.
The new moon conjunction (2°49’) is at the beginning of Libra, at the beginning of its northern journey across the ecliptic, while the inner planets are at the end of Virgo, at the end of the southern side of the ecliptic. According to sacred geometry and the ecliptic, this third degree is 1/120 of Wholeness. Within the greater context of the chart, I might assign it the quality of a “seed sprouting”.
At this new moon, new parameters are established. Behavioral standards are being realigned – shift and adaptation from ground to aerial, from mental to ethereal existence. This is ideally a co-creative act.
During this phase of change, stay in your lane: “attend to activity” and “avoid over-extension so you can elevate without overextending”.
Venus leads the new moon in daily activity, so pride is likely to take center stage on the daily agenda. A cultural hero is likely to receive public recognition and be released from public service.
The position of Mercury(r) and Venus means that Mercury is moving slowly backwards across the sky, offering the ego a shift, via an opportunity to refine a strategy, and Venus is moving forward, soon to conjunct Mercury, reminding an immature leader in Mercury that consciousness is beautiful, regardless of its accomplishments.
New Moon Stellium Trine Uranus Trine Pluto – “Reconstitution”
This Grand Trine is entirely in earth signs – Pluto in Capricorn; Uranus in Taurus; and Mercury and Venus in Virgo.
Uranus – the planet of insight, discontinuity, and multidimensionality is “electrifying cultural discontinuity”. Uranus is continuing the theme of re-sculpting our world as discussed in my previous article, and Aquarian Age alchemy is becoming more active in the world. Uranus’ influence at this stage is exhilarating.
Pluto – the planet of complete alchemical transformation, at the end of its retrograde phase, will be moving direct before the next full moon and conjuncting the USA’s natal Pluto position for the last time in January 2023 before moving forward into the future. Pluto is currently retrograded behind the USA’s natal Pluto position, after having crossed it and retrograded back over it earlier this year (2022). It turns direct on Saturday, October 8, 2022
An important theme of this chart, regardless of the metaphor, is, “breaking new ground in new realms”. The inner mind is getting infused with insights about the roles they are to play (the archetypes they are to embody) in support of the unfolding transformation of consciousness on this planet. Consciousness is being reformatted according to parameters of a higher plane of consciousness, beyond thought, form, and all traditional-isms.
Liftoff ⇒ An Elevator or an Airplane?
In sequence with the process of visualizing takeoff that’s described in my previous full moon article, it seems that this new moon portal inflection focuses that power and plants consciousness at a higher level – individualized consciousness is experiencing Lift.
I see this like an elevator or an airplane, within which each individual ascends to the station of their choosing. The notable difference between the two is that an elevator’s capacity for Lift is limited by the height of the building, while airplanes are limited by their technology, ie., foundational skills..
What foundations have you built your skills on? This new moon continues to usher in completely new ways of being, resculpting context. Globally, a new human identity is gaining perspectives on existence.
As Venus and Mercury move out of Virgo and into Libra in the next several days and weeks, the inner planets continue moving out of waxing square from Mars, and as each planet outside of Mars (Jupiter through Pluto) begin moving direct again (and then out of each’s retrograde shadow) in the next few months, our individual capacity for Lift will manifest.
Gratitude, starting with and “return to having” (what is already!), and ‘Blessing All Ways’, helps sustain Lift.
“Minds Opposed” – Jupiter and Neptune, opposite the Inner Mind
The smooth energy in the Grand Trine, where too much effort can be counterproductive, versus the opposition, where new awareness is sown, is one layer of contrast. The different planets in the opposition – Jupiter and Neptune – are much more personal and dynamic, rather than noticed and bared like Uranus and Pluto. This is “contrast incarnate”.
On one side, we have Jupiter ahead of Neptune straddling the northern line of the ecliptic; and on the other side, we have the luminaries of the new moon ahead of Mercury and Venus, straddling the southern line of the ecliptic.
Though many millions of miles apart in physical distance, Jupiter and Neptune are 10° (arc degrees) and 2’ (minutes) apart from the perspective of earth. The spread of these specific 10 degrees contains the oppositional energy of the entire inner planet stellium, which exists over a 7° 4’ spread of oppositional energies in the state change from Virgo to Libra.
The entirety of humanity’s identity and interpersonality is being refreshed.
This refresh includes greater distinctions around what humans are to do in the future. What’s the true value (constellational link to Taurus, and intuitive/insight sense links to Uranus) of the individual human? Of individual human life in general? These are questions of morals and ethics; economies and ecologies; and all interrelatedness.
Uranus, the North Node, and the Antidote
Whatever value is determined, questions have been seeded in the conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the north node. Uranus’ July 31, 2022 conjunction with the lunar north node gives us ~15 years of lessons to learn and integrate – the next conjunction is October 20, 2037, at 24° Cancer, 09”.
Uranus is ~126° from the space between Mercury and Venus, which supports the recontextualizing individual (as a plane experiences itself lifted off, or as a submarine knows itself submerged) to transcend subservience to fashion, both as fashionable attire as well as fashionable morals.
This could create the sensation of congestion. A cultural congestion, for which the antidote is Mars. Mars was present and involved with the Uranus-lunar north node conjunction on July 31, and was infused with the opportunity for a massive upleveling, affirming the signature of recontextualization and “reconstitution”.
This larger recontextualization process is ethereal; meaning, it’s real at the etheric level, like reawakening individual rebirth (Jupiter(r) at the beginning of Aries (the archetype occupying 1/12 space off the ecliptic) out of cultural traditionalism.
As much as traditions are being challenged in the form of standards and norms, the idea of tradition is starting to take on new meaning. The opportunity exists at the individual level, to invigorate the conviction of being the antidote (or change needed) in their world.
The fact that Mars is exactly 30° ahead of Uranus – 1/12 of 360° – informs and reminds me that “real change starts at home; seed knowledge is discovered within the seed; and each individual is representative of the wholeness of Source.”
“Minds United” – Mars and Saturn
Mars is about inner self moving outwards and Saturn is about the outer self organizing (Aquarius) and structuring parameters inwards. In applying Waxing Trine to Saturn (104.6° ~early 2/7), Mars is in a phase of “Initiation” relating to Saturn’s restructuring quality. Saturn is restructuring around what self-evidently works and sustains with durability. This supports the elevation that’s happening at the new moon with Libra and Virgo, contributing to an internal restructuring.
In the moment of creation, the virtuoso dis-identifies with skill, just as the artist renounces the chore of performance; the actor accepts the challenge of living into an opening sense of freedom and becoming changed by experiencing the transmission.
To wholly arrive at a new experience. Practice cutting cords with ghosts of the past. The HO'Oponopono prayer is recommended. In my experience this helps regardless of who’s ‘to blame.’
I look at the 119° and 1” relationship of Mars to Saturn and I imagine it like a crossbeam support structure for the individual in the tension of density change: rolling to flying (jet), carried to soaring (kite), drydock to diving (submarine).
Saturn’s position in the overall picture confirms a seed moment to extract oneself, through skill and courage, from “careless creationism”, and respond creatively to the destructive capacity of the byproducts of that carelessness.
Mars being the farthest out planet in direct motion at this new moon strengthens the individuals’ awareness of what it needs to do to take care of itself. At this stage, it empowers the individual to uncover the foundations of its nature and reconstitute upon acquired seed-knowledge.
Saturn turns direct on October, 22, 2022, so there are a few more weeks to completely redesign your set point, to develop the individual’s larger role in the world. Saturn’s journey out of this retrograde shadow over the next four months concentrates and manages revelations and unmaskings. Attempt to reorganize and restructure for clearer social living standards built upon soul-knowledge. Saturn exits the post-retrograde shadow on January 23, 2023, at 25°15” Aquarius, a point for Saturn that’s about managing process improvement from emotionality to rationality. So, the next few months will be about integrating and applying knowledge of natural laws to solve everyday problems.
At the global cultural level, a shadow that carries forward is “structural manipulation dispassionately masquerading as Standards of Efficiency and Cooperation”.
Midpoint of the Wings
Though potentially quiet, the creative tension in this chart, and in the greater context of the lunar cycle, is significant. Using the structure of the Sabian, the “midpoint of the wings” should imply strategies for maintaining equilibrium in this phase.
The midpoint of Pluto (26 Capricorn 9’ retrograde) and Mars (18 Gemini 13’) is Aries 7.3°. The degree that’s developing is the 8th degree.
The Sabian symbol for the 8th degree of Aries is:
Some important concepts from this symbol to keep in mind within the context of it referring to a midpoint are:
The midpoint is between Mars, a planet of personal assertion and individual ambition, and Pluto, a planet of cultural transformation and cultural alchemy. Both planets of individuation at different levels of consciousness!
Hat – implies protection
Streamers – allows the hat wearer to respond to the direction of the wind and because they point in the direction opposite of its source!
blown by an east wind – implies direction from spiritual forces.
streamers blown by an east wind – implies that secondary attachments (streamers on a hat) confer direction (spiritual guidance) for consciousness’ development.
Perhaps the best analogy for this new moon is the rider of a hydrofoil pulled by a kite. The individual moves through the air (Mars in Gemini), balanced in-tension of forces larger than himself, peering into the depths from beyond them, rising above and moving along with the aid of: physics, focus / attention / capacity (internal), and environment (external).
In this moment that’s symbolized by The Tension of Flight, a question coming up for me is about the areas and skill sets where I feel most surefooted, where different stances and trances enable virtuosity to flourish, dynamically and with durability, so new setpoints deliver individual essence to new places (heights/depths/levels/states).
A fantastic picture that really illuminates the soaring tension in this article is this kite drawn hydrofoil: